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BIG CAT: The St. Croix Cougar


In 2009, a mountain lion visited the St. Croix/Indianhead county of Wisconsin. Although cougars roamed through the area in the early frontier days of the 1800's, overhunting and human population growth drove the cougars out of Wisconsin. This particular, Cougars visits generated a great interest because it was photographed and written about in the local papers. This book is the story of the Cougar of 2009, written as if the Mountain Lion narrated the story himself!

Product Details

  • ISBN-13: 9781466930353
  • Publisher: Trafford Publishing
  • Publication date: 6/8/2012
  • Sold by: Barnes & Noble
  • Format: eBook
  • Sales rank: 1.197.656
  • File size: 2 MB

Chapter One

IT WAS A CLOUDY, COLD evening in March of 2009 when Big cat; a cougar, walked to the entrance of his lair and stretched his long, muscular body after a weary days rest. Carefully stepping out of his den his ears twitched back and forth listening to every sound as his nose checked the wind for any scent of danger. He was still feeling uneasy from the previous days adventure when baying hounds had chased him for miles and treed him after he was exhausted from running for so long.
The echoing voices of those yapping hounds in his mind and the men who came behind them made his hair stand up on the back of his neck! He recalled the fear and rage he felt as he sat trapped in the tree with the hounds barking, loudly at him; plus the men with their loud fire-sticks which made him cringe as he recalled the death of other animals he had seen killed by them. And finally, the relief he felt when the dogs were pulled back allowing him to leap to the ground and race away.
His hunger brought him back to the present as he felt his stomach groan for food. It had been over two days since he had eaten from a deer carcass; a winter kill that had been frozen and preserved. However; the dogs had driven him many miles from the carcass so he had to look for other food since he had only eaten; lightly.
Walking out of his lair into the open; he checked the area for any prey. To his right was a tamarack swamp which usually didn't offer anything he could eat but on the left was higher ground with big oak trees and he saw a squirrel, scurry across the forest floor.
Generally, he didn't bother with squirrels but his hunger pains drove him forward and he had to try. In a low, crouching position; he silently crept towards the squirrel but before he got close the squirrel saw him and hurried up the tree to the top. Big cat knew that it was useless to try to climb after the squirrel, since it could easily jump to branches in other trees and escape him.
As the sky darkens and the air moistens; sounds and scents are carried further than during the day. Big Cat's keen sense of smell is a vital part of his hunting abilities and with the odors of the forest filling his nose with scents like frogs, raccoons, wild turkeys and deer; he begins to search for food. Scanning the area in the low light; he could see clearly the differences between trees, brush and prey because like all cats and some other predators; their iris's open vertical and can expand to the full width of the eye allowing more light to enter. Thus; they can see everything more distinctly then we can in very little light.
Cougars also; have long whiskers like house cat that warning them when something is close to their face in the dark and when the wind blows across them they can sense that too! A cat's whiskers are very important to them in low-light because with them they are able to "view' their surroundings—so to speak—by feeling any obstacle that they may come in contact with as they search for food in dark areas.
Big Cat followed the strong, musky scents coming from a nearby pond and tried to sneak up on some croaking frogs. The marshes edge sank under his feet and he jumped back as water got his feet wet. He tried another approach to get near the frogs in the marsh but again he started to sink nto the marsh. Something moved to his right and he saw a turtle trying to paddle away but it was slowed down by the weeds as it struggled to get away. He batted with his paw at the turtle but only succeeded in splashing water as the turtle swam away.
After trying once more to catch a frog; Big Cat decided it wasn't worth getting wet over. Turning away from the marsh; he left his mark by raising his tail high and squirting on a tree leaving his scent to mark his boundaries; then went looking for other meals.
The DNR (Department of Natural Resources) had received a number of professed sightings from residents claiming to see cougars over the years; also know as a pumas, panthers or mountain lions. Most sightings were found to be other animals; like Canadian lynx, bobcats, large dogs and a variety of other animals. However; with the more frequent use of trail cameras, spotting cougars has become much less difficult and cougars have been recorded on film.

Chapter Two

ON THE MORNING OF THE first sighting of Big Cat; Steve Thompson, a veteran mountain lion hunter received a call from a friend that believed there were tracks of a cougar on his property. When Steve arrived; he checked out the tracks and agreed that they were mountain lion tracks ... That was the beginning of the first chase. The day after letting Big Cat go from the tree; Steve was back with his dogs when the DNR requested his help in trying to collar the cat. With modern technology collaring a wild animal is the best way to keep track of the whereabouts of thee animal.
The early morning sun created ice crystals that sparkled and created rainbows of light around below him as Big Cat rested in a comfortable tree dreaming of far away places. His dreams were disturbed as the sound of distant baying hounds reached his ears. In his drowsiness; he thought it was just another bad dream but the increasing volume of the hounds brought him fully awake.
Listening closely; Big Cat could tell that they were coming his way and he knew he had to run. He quickly climbed down from the tree and bounded straight away from the threat. Running at a steady pace he noticed a field with a farm ahead of him and knowing the danger of man and the fear of being in the open in daylight; he turned towards the denser cover trees.
Quickening his pace; he loped away from the sound of the hounds and surprised a doe and fawn as he came over a hill. They raced away as Big Cat ran by ignoring them; knowing that he had to flee the dogs and couldn't stop to hunt. Shortly after that; the scent of human's and their leftover food dumped outside reached his nose as he passed close to a house.
He continued running away from the pursuing hounds ignoring his hunger as he lopped along. The snow had begun to melt and as he ran along the forest floor it would alternate from being snow covered to leafy soft ground.
After running for a number of miles; Big Cats fast pace was exhausting him so he slowed to a walk when he realized the hounds baying had slackened. Stopping and panting; he regained his breath and listened for the baying hounds hoping that the dogs had stopped chasing him.
Finding a pine tree with low-hanging branches, he stepped under them for shelter and he laid down to rest for a moment. He had barely caught his breath when he heard the sharp baying of the lead dog closing in on him.
Big Cat jumped to his feet and raced off in big bounds with his long tail swaying behind him giving him better balance. Various scents of the forest entered his nose as he sped along jumping over fallen trees and dodging thick brush as he continued on his way.
After traveling for some time, the scent of a skunk stung his nose and he swerved to stay away from the animal in his path. Not long after that the pungent odor of tar filled his nose as he bounded across a paved road. Fortunately for him; there weren't any cars on the road when he passed over it. Passing through the woods; he saw a group of houses ahead of him and he turned to the denser trees away from the homes for better cover.
His muscles were starting to ache and his breathing grew heavier as he continued running with the dogs baying and closing in on him. Bounding back and forth through the thick brush and leaping over fallen trees slowed his pace but Big Cat knew from experience that he had to continue running to keep ahead of the pack even though his chest began to hurt.
Knowing the danger that a pack of dogs brought to him and the helpless feeling of being treed by them brought back a rising anger in Big Cat. Seeing that the lead dog had ran ahead of the other hounds; he crouched behind a big oak tree and waited to attack.
Unaware of the hidden cougar; the dog came bounding forward down the path and when he reached the tree; Big cat leapt from behind it and sank his teeth into the back of the dog as it passed by him. The hound yelped and twisted his head around just enough to nip at Big cat's ear. The nip on his ear surprised Big Cat and he let the dog go.
In response, the dog jumped at Big Cat but the cat retaliated swinging his powerful front paw barely missing the dodging dog as he pulled away. The fight continued with loud barking and growling as they lunged back and forth at each other. Catching the dog off guard; Big Cat saw his chance and with a quick swing of his right paw he slashed the side of the hound open as the dog howled in pain.
By that time the other hounds were closing in on him; so Big Cat turned and leapt high up the tree that he had been hiding behind just as the other dogs arrived snapping at his tail. Climbing out on a high limb he stared down at the barking dogs as they tried to leap up the tree after him.
After some time, Big Cat heard men talking and approaching through the trees. As the men continued to draw closer he slunk down on the limb hoping the men wouldn't see him. He saw the men restrain there dogs as he fought the desire to jump and run. He snarled down at the men as they held the dogs back; climbing further out on the limb in an futal attempt to escape the men right under him.
One of the men aimed a fire-stick at him and the explosion startled Big Cat as a piece of bark flew from the branch next to him and he growled down at his captors.
Then his instinct for survival over-came his fear and he reacted; turning away from the men and dogs, Big Cat leapt as hard as he could sailing through the air. Landing on all fours; Big Cat bound away into the forest as fast as he could run. The men grabbed their dogs and held them back as he ran away.
Steve Thompson; knew from experience that the cat needed rest. Steve had seen cougars pushed to the limit at other times and he knew that the results wouldn't turn out good if the chase continued. Steve had hunted many cougars in Montana and knew well the routine of what to do and what not to do while hunting mountain lions.
He knew his dogs would be more than happy to continue to chase the cat but the dogs had ran many miles and they too were exhausted and needed rest. Also; he knew that any further pursuit would not only jeopardize his dogs but the Cat might turn and attack his hounds since Big Cat had already wounded a dog.
Big cat ran as far as he could away from the men and dogs and didn't stop until he couldn't hear them anymore. After listening intently for some time, he checked the area looking for a safe place to hide. The woods were mainly full of Aspen and an occasional birch with low, rolling hills and wet swampy areas.
This terrain made him really miss his homeland with its high bluffs and caves where he could hide in as he did in South Dakota. Following a deer trail, he smelt fresh deer droppings and it reminded him of the deer carcass he had left behind as he began to hunt for food.
The smell of wild turkey caught his attention and he started stalking quietly in that direction hoping for a meal. As the scent got stronger he heard the soft, gobbling sound as the turkeys settled in for the night on tree branches. Seeing that they were sitting in the tree tops he knew that his chances were next to nil that he would be able to catch one of them.
Suddenly, a movement near the base of the tree caught his eye. Quickly, he crouched low and waited to see what it was. As the animal flapped it's wings, Big Cat could see that it was a wild turkey with something wrong with it's wing and wasn't able to fly away. It was an easy catch for Big Cat, so with a few quick bounds he had a turkey meal to enjoy because it couldn't get away from him. As he settled down to eat; the squawkings of the turkeys in the trees above didn't stop him from enjoying his meal.
Glancing around often to see if all was safe; Big Cat finished the last morsel of turkey and sitting on his hunches he began to clean himself. Feathers were scattered all around him as he licked his lips and cleaned his face by licking his front paws then rubbing his cheeks with his paw. This was one of Big Cat's favorite time to relaxed as he cleaned himself up after a good meal. However, the turkey's continued squawking and he needed to find a better place to rest.
Getting up, he stretched and walked away from the turkeys. He started searching the area for a safe place to hide for the rest of the day. Finding a suitable tree to rest in; Big Cat jumped ten feet off the ground, gripping the tree with his sharp claws and climbed to a branch that was strong enough to allow him to stretch out and get some needed sleep.
He had just drifted off to sleep when a noise close to him woke him up—abruptly! It was just a squirrel; scampering off after almost stumbling onto Big Cat by accident. It had climbed the tree from the other side and didn't see Big Cat until it was almost on top of him, then scurried away.
It was late afternoon; when Big Cat woke and climbed down from the tree and started to followed a deer trail. Further down the path the wooded area along the trail narrowed as a field came up to the pine trees that grew near the trail and a steep bank went down to a creek on the other side.
Big Cats hunting experience told him that if any deer were to travel through the area they would be likely to come down the trail and if he hid in a tree near the trail he could ambush them there. Smelling the fresh water in the bubbling brook next to him made him thirsty, so he worked his way down the step bank and lapped at the water. The water was very refreshing to his palette and it seemed to help reduce his hunger for the moment.
Then after looking around for any danger he worked his way up out of the creek bed and found a tree with a view where he could see any approaching deer. Scanning the area again for any motion or sound; he sprang up the tree and settled into a comfortable position on a limb and waited.

Chapter Three

DREAMING OF HOME AFTER ABOUT AN HOUR WITHOUT any signs of deer; Big Cat drifted off to sleep with images of the early years of life coming back to him. He and his two siblings used to scuffle over the fresh kills that their mother bought home and he really enjoyed the secure feeling he had when they all cuddled together by mother nursing as she licked each one of them. All they had to concern themselves with was playing and waiting for mother to bring them more food.
However, their peaceful family experience didn't last long. One day a male mountain lion found their den. It is customary for male "cats" to kill kittens from another males litter for two reasons; one, to get rid of any competition and two, to have their own litter when the female is ready again. Big Cat's mother fought furiously, to defend them from him but after the fight between the male cougar and his mother; only he and his little sister were ok. Although really frightened, the two of them escaped with their lives from the terrible ordeal. However; their brother had been killed and their mother lay bleeding, severely wounded.
He and his sister stayed close to their mother all the rest of the day and through the night as she lay wounded on the ground. When the sun came up the next day and his mother hadn't moved; they sensed that something was seriously wrong. Instinctively, they sensed that there mother was dead and they were all alone to fend for themselves and they needed food! Fortunately; their mother had just begun teaching them to hunt as they had ventured after her as she caught prey for them.
So after some hesitation; the "young" Big Cat reluctantly ventured off searching for food. After running back to her dead mother to sniff and nudge at her, again as she had done previously; his little sister followed her brother whimpering as she did. At first; they wandered aimlessly, looking for whatever they could find to eat. Stumbled upon the remains of a rabbit that first day my have saved their lives as they were lucky to find anything to eat!
In the beginning, their attempts at catching game failed more times then succeeded but with practice they got better. As the two cats grew; catching game became a little easier as they learned to catch mice, then with practice, ground squirrels and other small rodents.
Kiếm khiêm tốn 10-20Tr/Tháng.
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Tiktok đã, đang và sẽ là một vùng đất màu mỡ mà nhiều cá nhân, doanh nghiệp hướng đến để tạo ra các giá trị lợi nhuận, và thậm chí hiệu quả mà nó đem lại còn vượt trội hơn nhiều nền tảng mạng xã hội khác như Facebook, Youtube, v.v. Với tiềm năng to lớn như vậy, khóa học quảng cáo Tiktok chuyển đổi đơn hàng đến từ TikEdu sẽ giúp bạn nắm được kỹ năng quảng cáo, kinh doanh trên TikTok. Mang về cho bạn và doanh nghiệp hàng trăm đơn hàng mỗi ngày. Khoá học Quảng Cáo TikTok doanh số sản phẩm cho người mới bắt đầu chuyển đổi đơn hàng trên nền tảng Tikedu là một khoá học được thiết kế dành riêng cho những bạn mới bắt tay vào làm quảng cáo trên nền tảng TikTok và mong muốn mang lại đơn hàng ngay. Khóa học bao gồm 11 phần, 34 bài học giúp bạn nắm bắt được toàn bộ kiến thức từ nền tảng về mặt tư duy hệ thống, về vận hành quảng cáo trên nền tảng TikTok và hoàn toàn có thể áp dụng ngay vào thực tế. Đây là toàn bộ kiến thức đã được đúc rút từ rất nhiều năm kinh nghiệm không chỉ về quảng cáo chuyển ...

Học tiếng Anh tại TOPICA Kid có gì mà các bé thích mê đến thế? | TOPICA Kid

Bạn đã sãn sàng học Tiếng Anh cùng TOPICA chưa? Hãy đăng ký học ngay thôi nào:      Tại đây Topica là đơn vị đào tạo trực tuyến số 1 Đông Nam Á và Topica Native là chương trình luyện nói tiếng Anh trực tuyến được triển khai tại 3 quốc gia Đông Nam Á, với hơn 1.600 giảng viên bản xứ và áp dụng thực tế ảo vào học tập từ năm 2013. Sứ mệnh Mục tiêu trở thành Nền tảng dẫn đầu trong lĩnh vực đào tạo thực hành tiếng Anh tại Đông Nam Á, Topica Native theo đuổi các sứ mệnh. Ứng dụng công nghệ thực tế ảo hiện đại Đảm bảo chất lượng giảng dạy quốc tế Cam kết chi phí nội địa Cải thiện giao tiếp dành cho người đi làm Học tập mọi lúc, mọi nơi, mọi thiết bị Nâng tầm tri thức con người Bạn đã sãn sàng học Tiếng Anh cùng TOPICA chưa? Hãy đăng ký học ngay thôi nào:      Tại đây TỔNG HỢP CÁC KHÓA HỌC THUỘC NHIỀU LĨNH VỰC (Nếu nó thực sự có ích Hãy Like, Share ủng hộ Vlog bạn nhé) Đầu tư thông minh tăng lợi nhuận cực đỉnh         ...

Marley and the Runaway Pumpkin (Marley: I Can Read Book 2 Series)

Overview The world's most rambunctious dog is back in this hilarious new I Can Read! story. Product Details ISBN-13: 9780062025944 Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers Publication date: 6/9/2011 Series: Marley: I Can Read Book 2 Series Sold by: HARPERCOLLINS Format: NOOK Kids Read to Me Sales rank: 156.255 Age range: 6 - 8 Years File size: 11 MB Note: This product may take a few minutes to download. Meet the Author More by this Author Bad Dog, Marley! (Marley Series) Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog Strike Three, Marley! (Marley: I Can Read Book 2 Series) Marley: A Dog Like No Other Trick or Treat, Marley! ...