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Quảng Cáo TikTok doanh số sản phẩm cho người mới bắt đầu

Tiktok đã, đang và sẽ là một vùng đất màu mỡ mà nhiều cá nhân, doanh nghiệp hướng đến để tạo ra các giá trị lợi nhuận, và thậm chí hiệu quả mà nó đem lại còn vượt trội hơn nhiều nền tảng mạng xã hội khác như Facebook, Youtube, v.v. Với tiềm năng to lớn như vậy, khóa học quảng cáo Tiktok chuyển đổi đơn hàng đến từ TikEdu sẽ giúp bạn nắm được kỹ năng quảng cáo, kinh doanh trên TikTok. Mang về cho bạn và doanh nghiệp hàng trăm đơn hàng mỗi ngày. Khoá học Quảng Cáo TikTok doanh số sản phẩm cho người mới bắt đầu chuyển đổi đơn hàng trên nền tảng Tikedu là một khoá học được thiết kế dành riêng cho những bạn mới bắt tay vào làm quảng cáo trên nền tảng TikTok và mong muốn mang lại đơn hàng ngay. Khóa học bao gồm 11 phần, 34 bài học giúp bạn nắm bắt được toàn bộ kiến thức từ nền tảng về mặt tư duy hệ thống, về vận hành quảng cáo trên nền tảng TikTok và hoàn toàn có thể áp dụng ngay vào thực tế. Đây là toàn bộ kiến thức đã được đúc rút từ rất nhiều năm kinh nghiệm không chỉ về quảng cáo chuyển ...

Passport to Peril


Passport to Peril is Dr Jason Love's second brilliant case history in suspense. An adventure that sweeps from the gentle snows of Switzerland to the freezing peaks of the Himalayas, and ends in a blizzard of violence, hate, and lust on the roof of the world. Guns, girls and gadgets all play there part as the Somerset doctor, old car expert and amateur secret agent uncovers the mystery

Product Details

  • BN ID: 2940011474545
  • Publisher: James Leasor
  • Publication date: 8/20/2011
  • Sold by: SMASHWORDS - EBKS
  • Format: eBook
  • Sales rank: 750.226
  • File size: 758 KB

Meet the Author

James Leasor was one of the bestselling British authors of the second half of the 20th Century. He wrote over 50 books including a rich variety of thrillers, historical novels and biographies.

His works included Passport to Oblivion (which sold over 4 million copies around the World and was filmed as Where the Spies Are, starring David Niven), the first of nine novels featuring Dr Jason Love, a Somerset GP called to aid Her Majesty’s Secret Service in foreign countries, and another series about the Far Eastern merchant Doctor Robert Gunn in the 19th century. There were also sagas set in Africa and Asia, written under the pseudonym Andrew MacAllan, and tales narrated by an unnamed vintage car dealer in Belgravia.

Among non-fiction works were lives of Lord Nuffield, the Morris motor manufacturer, Wheels to Fortune and RSM Brittain, who was said to have the loudest voice in the Army, The Sergeant-Major; The Red Fort, which retold the story of the Indian Mutiny; and Rhodes and Barnato, which brought out the different characters of the great South African diamond millionaires. Who Killed Sir Harry Oakes? was an investigation of the unsolved murder of a Canadian mining entrepreneur in the Bahamas,

He wrote a number of books about different events in the Second World War, including Green Beach, which revealed an important new aspect of the Dieppe Raid, when a radar expert landed with a patrol of the South Saskatchewan regiment, which was instructed to protect him, but also to kill him if he was in danger of falling into enemy hands; The One that Got Away (later filmed with Hardy Kruger in the starring role) about fighter pilot, Franz von Werra, the only German prisoner of war to successfully escape from British territory; Singapore – the Battle that Changed the World, on the fall of Singapore to the Japanese in 1941; Boarding Party (later filmed as The Sea Wolves with Gregory Peck, David Niven and Roger Moore) concerned veterans of the Calcutta Light Horse who attacked a German spy ship in neutral Goa in 1943; The Unknown Warrior, the story about a member of a clandestine British commando force consisting largely of Jewish exiles from Germany and eastern Europe, who decieived Hitler into thinking that the D-Day invasion was a diversion for the main assault near Calais; and The Uninvited Envoy, which told the story of Rudolph Hess’ solo mission to Britain in 1941.

Thomas James Leasor was born at Erith, Kent, on December 20 1923 and educated at the City of London School.

He was commissioned into the Royal Berkshire Regiment and served in Burma with the Lincolnshire Regiment during World War II. In the Far East his troopship was torpedoed and he spent 18 hours adrift in the Indian Ocean. He also wrote his first book, Not Such a Bad Day, by hand in the jungles of Burma on airgraphs, single sheets of light-sensitive paper which could be reduced to the size of microdots and flown to England in their thousands to be blown up to full size again. His mother then typed it up and sent it off to an agent, who found a publisher who sold 28,000 copies, although Leasor received just £50 for all its rights. He later became a correspondent for the SEAC, the Services Newspaper of South East Asia Command, under the inspirational editorship of Frank Owen, after being wounded in action.

After the war he read English at Oriel College, Oxford before joining the Daily Express, then the largest circulation newspaper in the free world. He was soon appointed private secretary to Lord Beaverbrook, the proprietor of the newspaper, and later became a foreign correspondent. He became a full-time author in the 1960s.

He also ghosted a number of autobiographies for subjects as diverse as the Duke of Windsor, King Zog of Albania, the actors Kenneth More and Jack Hawkins and Rats, a Jack Russell terrier that served with the British Army in Northern Ireland during the Troubles.

Perhaps his greatest love was a series of cars, including a 1937 Cord and a Jaguar SS100 which both featured in several of his books.

He married barrister Joan Bevan on 1st December 1951 and they had three sons.

He lived for his last 40 years at Swallowcliffe Manor, near Salisbury in Wiltshire. He died on 10th September 2007.
Kiếm khiêm tốn 10-20Tr/Tháng.
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